Look who's blogging!

Sunday, July 05, 2015

“Don't speak as if it's already done.” “Never say never.” I wasn't really a fan of social media back then, I just signed up on Facebook to get updated with announcements in our section's group when I was in high school.

Until one day in 2010, I was talking to my friend Hannah, and then I realized she wasn't listening to me for she was too busy with her plurk and multiply accounts, and she even encouraged me to start tweeting instead, telling me how addicting the world of social media is; and that’s when I told myself I will never sign up to those! Having a facebook account is already cool and there’s no need to have some more.

Then I survived four years in high school having facebook as my only social media account. But during my first week in college, my blockmates were asking for each other’s username on Twitter and Instagram. I’ve been hearing ‘follow me back because I already followed you’ for a week and they were also talking about the hashtags that trended the night before, and I can’t relate to them because I don’t own a Twitter account. So I decided that it’s already time to have one then on August 2013, I signed up on twitter and months after, I learned Hannah’s right, tweeting’s addicting, and maybe the whole social media world also is.

The time I get into twitter, I used to believe Instagram is only for the people in showbiz and not for the ordinary people like me. But just like my early thoughts about not getting into twitter, I admit I was wrong and I should have an IG account also. Maybe it would be hard to achieve the ‘feed goals’ account because you don’t have the money to buy lot of clothes for ootd’s, the money to eat in a fine restaurant to have a very creative shot of the food you are about to eat, and the money to go places to make your posts more awesome. Money is an issue but I think we can still make our feed interesting through our feeling-pro-photography-skills and opening our eyes for things that surround us that are very IG-worthy.

Now, it’s July 2015, and after seeing very creative feeds on Instagram and finding out that these accounts often have a blog, I decided to start building one also to share my opinions and ideas to inspire people.

Six years ago, I said having a Facebook account is already enough and I don’t need to get involved into the social media world. Now I have Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram accounts, and I also started writing this blog in fact. Follow my accounts so we can get in touch, I followback and stalk people following me also.

We shouldn’t enclose ourselves with our own perspective of things. In this modern age, let’s all open our eyes and consider other’s beliefs and practices. The generation is changing and we need to try new things if you don’t want to be left out. You are smart enough to know what you are getting yourself into; continue if it’s for your own good and stop if it’s not. These words don't only apply to my getting-into-social-media-experience I shared to you, but also to the daily things and experiences you are going to have as you go on with life’s journey.

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